That is the truth Maestro! I posed for a photograph on my roof a year ago—I knew it would be the promo shot for my 2015 Birthday Cabaret. Challenges prevented me from working on the show, but I was determined to honor that commitment to myself. Fast forward to September when I actually started writing, only to be challenged again by another life altering event. Luckily, I had a great team in place: MY maestro, John Johnson, my writing coach, Ruthy Otero and my director, Celine Rosenthal. It takes a village!
Rehearsals began 9/28, with a script in need of rewrites and music needing to be arranged. A plan yes, time…NO! Sheer will can make the impossible happen.
Two days to go. Join me if you can.
October 12, 9:30 PM for Captain MJ’s Fantastic Journey.